måndag 15 september 2014


Så är det dags att packa, checka in on-line, kolla passet och resten! Denna gång i sällskap med Daniel. Det är mer än tjugo år sen sist, då vi vandrade uppför både Galdhöpiggen och Kebnekaise, en härlig resa under tre sommarveckor 1993 från söder till norr. Min femte etapp i Polen blir den sista. Avsikten är att vandra under fyra dagar från Frampol till Narol via staden Bilgoraj och genom Polens finaste lövskogsreservat.
Time for packing, to check-in on-line, check the passport and the rest! This time together with my son, Daniel. More than twenty years have elapsed, as we in 1993 climbed the two no 1 peaks (Galdhöpiggen, 2.469 m in Norway and Kebnekaise, 2 106 m in Sweden) - a splendid journey during three summer weeks from South to North. My fifth Walking in Poland we be the last one, from Frampol to Narol through the Isaac Singer town of Bilgoraj and lush leaves forest reserves.
This time, for a change, I have got detailed and real good maps as shown here.

Now, Narol is not the end of Poland. In fact, I still have some fifteen kilometers to the Polish-Ukrainian border but given the tight schedule from Thursday to Tuesday, this is the option we have. I will have to decide where to continue next year, in April. For sure, I will fly back from L'vov in Ukraine.

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