lördag 1 april 2017

Den 24 september 2016 flög jag från Malmö till Cluj Napoca. Planen var att ta mig över bergen till Alba Iulia väster om huvudvägen. Litet oväntat blev det bara en kortare och tre "riktiga" men långa, sköna och ansträngande vandringsdagar. Cluj-Floresti-Tauti-Vlaha dag 1 - buss till Iara-Ocolisel-Ocolis-buss till Salciua de Jos-Sub Piatra (Under klippan) dag 2 - Cheia (lift en bit med en munk i hans jeep) - Modolesti - (lift en bit) Poiana Galdei dag 3 - lift tillbaka till Modolesti - Necrilesti - Lunca Ampoitei - Remetea - lift in till Alba Iulia dag 4. Nu hade jag slitet hårt på mitt högra meniskopererade knä, för hårt, och det blev en vilodag i Alba och två nätter på ett trevligt Hostel i centrum. Besökte Gamla stan som låg högt innanför en väldig försvarsanläggning, fint restaurerad. Följande dag tog jag bussen till Sibiu, eller Hermannstadt som den också heter sedan de ursprungliga tyska invandrarnas tid. Där stannade jag också två nätter och förutom besök i den trivsamma men ganska turistifierade Gamla stan vandrade jag ut ur stan till Michelsberg eller Cisnadie som byn heter på rumänska. Där bor periodvis en tysk bekant, Peter Dahmel. Hans barndomshem.
Here, I have written a few things from my tenth part of walking from Sweden to Greece. There will be more text and, of course, also some more pictures from these days in the end of September, which offered extremely favorable type of weather for my walk. Dry, mostly sunny, not too hot. But very much up and down the hills which eventually hurt my right knee.
Gabriel and colleague at the coffee shop Bujol in Cluj. The most relaxing point in Cluj. Friendly staff. Excellent food. And, of course, all sorts of coffee.

A young father with his daughter (and invisible wife) having brunch at Bujol.

Outside the coffee shop or rather a bistro, was this monument, were these pillars symbolizing and commemorating nine of the, very young, victims shot dead here during the 1989 revolution. Sad. 
Warned of stray dogs I manage to pass two of them before meeting with this flock of sheep, too few to be a herd, I guess.

This chart pulled by two oxen took a lot of hay down from the hills above the small village of Salciua de Jos.

 This lady followed me half a day through the hills. A bitch really.
Zoltan Morten was very helpful and I thank him for his hospitality in Vlaga and great patience waiting for my bus to Iara that never showed up (it had passed earlier but I was soon after offered a lift with a car all the way to Iara). 

Michaela and her husband, whom I took for a jogging monk (he wore black pants and there was a monastary just near by, haha...). They said that there were stray dogs around to watch out for but I did not see one that day. 

This friendly man offered me to sit in his garden to have my lunch in Ocolisei before climbing up a steep hillside to reach the next valley and Ocolis. From there at Rd75 I took a bus to Salciua de Jos.

More to come!

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