tisdag 3 januari 2012

2400 k - less or more?

How did my idea originate? Walking from Sweden to Greece, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean? Well, there were some core factors: my interest in maps, in the cradle of 'western civilisation' and in the historical secrets of the century long disputed areas of land - of nature and culture - in Eastern Europe closed for decades by the Cold war and the Iron curtain. A simple ruler placed on Gdynia (PL) and Thessaloniki (GR) indicates a mere 1500 k as the bird flies across the continent (Sweden being just the test site for the project). But sure, I will not fly like a bird across the Polish fields. I don't even know what main route I will choose: (A) via Ukraine, and possibly Moldovia, into (eastern) Romania and through Bulgaria or (B) via Slovakia and Hungary into (western) Romania and through Bulgaria. After some computing any of those routes shows a minimum of 2000-2400 k. In my next chapter, I will elaborate a bit on my model for conquering that somehow impressive walking distance - 'a desk operation' i.e.

1 kommentar:

  1. Vad roligt att du lagt upp en blogg! Jag gillar kartan och det fina fotot på bron i mörkret! Jag blir glad av att du tar dig an nya projekt - det bådar för en härlig "troisième age" tror jag! Och i synnerhet gillar jag detta projekt att du ska gå till Grekland - det är cooooolt! /Daniel
