tisdag 3 januari 2012

Walking model

2400 k is some undertaking even not regarding my age (67+). Why not bike? Or just use the ordinary public transport facilities of trains and buses? Well, have you once travelled 10000 k Sweden to Turkey (Bodrum) and back by car, you can certainly imaging how much of experiences you missed. People, places and smells - the small things. Thus, the road is the goal. Of course, it cannot be executed in one long walk but rather divided into more comfortable stages or legs. My friend Björn's experience with his walk from far south to the far north of Sweden tells me to manage a couple days of walking at a time. As it looks now, my intention is to walk 20 k per day or 10 k in the morning and 10 k in the afternoon, as simple as that. Starting, say, a Thursday walking also Friday, relaxing Saturday and Sunday, and advancing another 20 + 20 k on Monday and Tuesday making 80 k in total within a week including arrival and departure on Wednesdays. Each stage will be open to walking friends, one or two at a time, the exact stretch of each stage to be jointly determined beforehand. My physical condition will determine how many stages to be manageable per year. If three (spring, summer, autumn) it will take at least ten years to cover my plan (2400:3x80=10 years) but perhaps it will be possible to do four per year and/or walking two consecutive weeks once a year - (2400:5x80=6 years)? Any ethic principles? All k must be walked! Or is a ride offered by a local on his/her tractor or in a truck allowed in bad weather? Or a bus to get out of towns a bit? The second test walk will take place in Skåne in April between Malmö and Ystad some 55 k straight and some 75 k through the historical farmland of my father's family near Trelleborg. The first stage on the continent (if no fog to speak with the Brits) will start end of June or early July in Gdynia (> Coat of arms above). Open for discussion.
Packing. What about packing? A minimum of weight is priority no. 1. Food and shelter should be purchased on site. Hardly any extra or any 'spare parts'. Extra clothes (dry) yes. Extra shoes? Mobile phone yes. Laptop or Ipad or neither? Water bottle yes. Open for discussion.

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